Premium SSL - Single Domain

A SSL certificate (https) helps to protect information entered by your site's users, including credit card and other sensitive data.

This SSL certificate is a premium certificate that covers one address, such as Premium SSL certs go through additional verification and will take days to process by the signing authority. Documentation will be needed to prove the identity of your business, non-profit, campaign, etc.

The price includes the purchase of the SSL certificate for one year, set-up, and the cost of a dedicated IP address (required for SSL certificates) on our server for one year.

Please list below the domain you want to add the SSL certificate to - including the www if you want it to be available at For SSL purposes, is not the same as SSL certificate purchases are nonrefundable. Multi-year purchases only include a set up fee for the first year, as SSL certs only have to be redone upon expiration, not yearly.

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